What can you do to reduce air pollution???
Drive less
The air pollution from vehicles in urban areas, particularly in big cities, has become a serious problem. The main pollutants emitted from the automobiles are hydrocarbons, lead/benzene, carbon monoxide, sulphur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide and particulate matter. The main cause of vehicular pollution is the rapidly growing number of vehicles.
In India, the number of vehicles increased from 0.3 million in 1951 to 58.3 million in 2001-02. The two wheeler's are the major contributors of vehicular air pollution followed by four-wheeler (e.g., car, jeep, taxi etc.), trucks and busses in decreasing order of magnitude.
Delhi is a typical example of air pollution by vehicles. The World Health Organisation has ranked Delhi as the most polluted city for air pollution in the world. It surveyed 1,600 cities and released a report stating that air pollution is putting residents at the risk of cancer, heart-disease and stroke. Though India has rejected the findings it cannot be neglected altogether. Poisonous particulates are certainly being added in the air by growing traffic and industries. Among all, growing number of vehicles is the major cause of air pollution in Delhi.
Follow these tips to reduce vehicle pollution:
1.Walk when you can.
2.Use the bike-share programs.
3.Take public transport when possible.
4.Work from home periodically if your job allows it.